Tuesday, November 23, 2010

She's like a Chameleon!

Seriously Courtney Love, how do you do it?!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


It's only been a few hours, and damn I'm feeling good! It's good to have you back, Weezy F Baby! We've missed you!

I still love you, Jordan Catalano!

Seriously, how hot is Jared Leto looking! I'm so glad he's off of his metro-glam look and back to just looking sexy.

(Totally going to ignore the fact that he appears to have lost his shoes.)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Oh, well hello doctor!

I would like to bring to your attention, just one more reason why I watch Grey's Anatomy. Please feast your eyes on Dr. McDoME! (but not for too long because he's mine, bitches!)

As if his mocha skin and piercing blue eyes weren't enough to make a girl swoon. He just had to go and take his shirt off. Thank you to whichever woman writer, wrote that into the next episode.

I would like to add him to my laundry list of reasons I can't stop watching...and here are a few more....

(Sorry, these were the only ones I could find spur of the moment.)

Really though, the show is damn good and the woman are great too! I just don't have the desire to make sweetness with them.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Whoa now....

When I initally saw this picture on my beloved Perez, I thought to myself "What freaking city would put this shiz up?!" Then I read a little and BOOM! Speechless....

What the eff is wrong with PORTLAND?!
Yes kids, I said it. Our home sweet home did this. Please continue on with your day in embarrassment.
(And if you actually know where this sign is, please tell me so I can see it with my own two eyes. Because until I see it, it's not real...kind of like vampires).

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Get out of my dang mind!

While Zac Efron may not be my ideal piece of man meat, Perez Hilton and I are definitely of the same page when it comes being there for our fellas. After a recent interview about what a sensitive little boy Zac is (after crying during Toy Story 3), Perez had this perfectly stated response...

"Aww, BB! Should you ever feel like seeing a sad movie again, we'll clear our schedule so you'll have a shoulder to cry on. You pick the day, place and movie and we'll be there! (Wearing a shirt is optional and not encouraged.)"

Haha! I heart you Perez!

Friday, September 10, 2010


I never realized Courtney yuck face Love had a twin brother?!